I don't see how anyone could rightly hate Xion. We don't even know her yet. And yeah, saying she's getting in the way of AkuRoku? HAHAHAHA. Thats hilarious.
Xion looks like a really cool character to me. I'm curious about her relationship with the keyblade.
Blargh. I haven't played KH, but I think the healing thing would bother me the most.
In KH2, I really hated Donald and Goofy following you around everywhere. I'd like to be able to get rid of them at leisure (such as when Xigbar does the thing where he teleports you to that square? yeah. Donald always got in my way and I'd die.) And the whole "potion not healing in time" still happens in the second game, and it's VERY ANNOYING! D'X
Why do you hate Roxas? Do you mean the fact you had to play through those 5 days?
I think animals have feelings to an extent. They don't have super complex feelings like we do, and that's what some people are led to believe. I'm sure they feel something other than external pain when their master, who they love with all their heart, kicks them, but they don't know the significance of that. They just think they did something bad. It's not like their upset because they know you're unnecissarily beating them, because they don't know that.
So, in conclusion, animals do have certain feelings and instincts, but we have to keep in mind that their brains are not as complex as ours, and they don't think of things the same ways we do.
Avvy: Eh. 5/10. Pretty generic.
Sig: You get a 8/10 because you don't have a picture, but you DO have a bible verse, so I had to give you some credit :)