Recent Content by apphoenix

  1. apphoenix
    The Way I beat her.
    Is exactly said Sonic Blade spam.
    Freeze Also works really well because it gives you time to make Ars Arcanum or using an item card while she's frozen. and rinse and repeat hope helps. Sonic Blade Spam until you run out----Freeze----Elixir
    Post by: apphoenix, Sep 4, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  2. apphoenix


    To start my Introduction
    Hello My name is Apphoenix
    I have been kingdom hearts fan since 2004 when i was 8 years old
    I have played almost all the kingdom hearts games that are released in america and final mixs by other means.
    I'm a person who likes various things such as Anime;Music;Games and other fun things but i don't really talk that much.
    Nice to meet you all
    Thread by: apphoenix, Jun 9, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures