Recent Content by anti-xenmas

  1. anti-xenmas
    i know this may have been asked for before or something or it is somewhere but i am looking for a GAMESHARK code for all synthesis items.

    now before anyone sais anything negative like it on the fist page or two or its already ben done or anything of the sort i have one thing to say.

    i have a code called 98x all synthesis items but whenever i use it my game freezes as soon as it starts the main screen before anything happens and its only a white screen.
    Post by: anti-xenmas, Sep 29, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  2. anti-xenmas
    like i said i tried it and it wouldnt work for me and i dont know why,

    i do like it sais to the last detail and it dont work.

    i have tried holding the triggers - and x then leave and nothing i have held them and walked out at the same time and still nothing i have also done the same things with the revert command and again nothing i dont know if this may be a problem but i am using gameshark 2 and i looked and didnt see a version number but would that be a problem?

    forget that i have figured out what i may be doing wrong after getting really ticked off i looked through the comments just to see if a single clue was given and it said that [-] was meant to be[_] to be square so sorry for the unnecessary comment(if it dont work still then ill just give up with that one i guess but i will forever be bored with sora and his forms
    Post by: anti-xenmas, Sep 24, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  3. anti-xenmas

    i have been looking forever and havent found a code for this special anti-sora

    i did, however, find an anti-sora code but forsome reason it would not work for me.

    here is a link to the video and in the description there is the code.
    it isnt great quality but if you watch it closely you can see he is anti-sora with reaction commands. but when i tried the code it didnt work.

    if anyone has a code that lets you be anti-sora with reaction commands for GameShark then that would be so awesome.

    the main reason i wanna be anti-sora is because he just looks flat out awesome plus he has insane speed. also if anyone has already asked this and has the code please ell me what page its one or p.m. me the code cause i have looked but didnt see it.

    thank you to anyone who gives the code.
    Post by: anti-xenmas, Sep 24, 2007 in forum: Code Vault