Recent Content by AnsemtheWise

  1. AnsemtheWise
    The issue for KH2 Riku, I think, is (not counting in-party time), he didn't have alot of screentime. I do think he should still have a figure though, but that's just what I think is the issue. And it's not as if Kairi shouldn't have a figure, especially KH2 Kairi. ^_^
    Post by: AnsemtheWise, Jan 22, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. AnsemtheWise
    Actually considering it's a giant (and mutated!) version of armored Xemnas and noting the buildings/sky color, I'd say this battle was to take place inside of Kingdom Hearts after defeating Xemnas on his throne.

    That would have owned, but nooo, they just had to do the whole Sora and Riku vs. Dragon/Armored Xemnas/B&W Xemnas! :mad:
    Post by: AnsemtheWise, May 3, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. AnsemtheWise
    Damn it, no biting. Oh well, it's still something I'll have to use often so that I can get moogle points (those things are a pain to collect.)
    Post by: AnsemtheWise, Mar 30, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. AnsemtheWise
    What the hell?! PLUTO is a friend card?! (Seen toward end of video) You should have used him, try to use him to bite Vexen if you get the chance. :p
    Post by: AnsemtheWise, Mar 30, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  5. AnsemtheWise
    No, Larxene's the traitor, Axel is just...*thinks about Axel killing Zexion and his events in KH2* Ah, who am I kidding? He's a bloody traitor. :p
    Post by: AnsemtheWise, Mar 30, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  6. AnsemtheWise
    Woah woah WOAH!!! *waves hands* I've been here's called a "Ship War!" Please let's stop taking about ships and pairings! Really, they're not even that important to KH. The only official "pairing" is Sora and Kairi...and even that one's not a solified pairing because the two of them haven't tied the knot yet!

    Bottom Line: Less shipping, more on actual Re:COM please. :cool:

    She's an Org. member, of course she is. The Org. wear black coats, live in castles, and pwn you in data battles. All members are automatically badass (though who's more badass than whom might become a problem. Personally, I think Xaldin owns all, but Axel, Larxene, and Marluxia are close behind.)
    Post by: AnsemtheWise, Mar 30, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  7. AnsemtheWise
    That is what I mean, and although he was angry, it was still the Organization's orders to kill Roxas and he was willing to follow through with those orders. The most important thing to Axel is the welfare of Axel, he "wasn't getting turned into a Dusk" for Roxas' sake. Whether he truly changed afterwards is up for debate.

    Which in effect shows how lame the akuroku people are. And c'mon, I already said that Larxel, whether canon or not, isn't a permanent couple anyway since one or both of them will backstab each other and end the relationship (though that's why I like it. :cool: )

    BTW: I noticed they retconned the scene a bit and cut Axel's line about "he's partly one of us". I think it's because that line indicated that he was friends with Roxas at the time and c'mon, there is no way in Hell that he would have been able to meet Roxas properly and become friends with him before going to Castle Oblivion, seeing as Roxas was only recently "born".
    Post by: AnsemtheWise, Mar 30, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  8. AnsemtheWise
    Roxas, Larxene...whoever you want Axel to be with, all you have to keep in mind is that he will backstab them in the end. He backstabbed Larxene, he backstabbed Roxas...oh, and he backstabbed Vexen literately. :p

    Personally, I'd prefer him with Larxene because him with Roxas kinda makes him a pedo :eek: and secondly, there would be that chance that Larxene would backstab him at the couple's "end of relationship", making it on more equal grounds. :D
    Post by: AnsemtheWise, Mar 29, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates