Recent Content by anime10121

  1. anime10121
    Nope! Its just another example of the west trying to down any game made in Japan and completely label all JRPGs as "garbage" or "convoluted stories". KH does NOT have a difficult story if you actually pay attention to the game, find secret reports or "Ansem reports", and play each game (even though ReCoded and 358/2 days dont add much, they still are important entries). People want to blame their inabilities to play all the games (although we can all agree it's kinda ridiculous having a game on every console) on the developers and/story. The story is actually very simple if you actually play the games. The questions left unanswered are meant to leave you with suspense, something to get excited about while you wait for the next game (Nomura even confirmed this in an interview a LONG time ago) which answers most of the questions while introducing a few more.
    Post by: anime10121, Feb 28, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. anime10121
    Mickey sounds almost exactly right! Honestly although I'm glad that you guys did it as its awesome to actually watch the trailer with a dub, Mickey was the only standout actor to me and maybe Clu from Tron too. The rest sounded kinda emotionless to me. Please dont take this the wrong way though because yall still did a better job than I ever could.
    Post by: anime10121, Feb 22, 2012 in forum: Community News & Projects
  3. anime10121
    Why not Osment IMO is Sora and if they got someone to replace him this late in the game it would feel extremely weird. Besides hopefully this'll be the last time we see kid Sora anyway before more advancements in the series take place.
    Post by: anime10121, Feb 16, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates