My ever favorite crazy dream which strangly enough I have at least once a month is where I am being chased my flying umbrella's but they had savage faces, I've learned to laugh about it now but when I was younger it terrified me :sigh:
A couple months ago a group of bullies at my school beat me up, they got suspended but now i'm too paranoid to go to my normal lessons so now people are picking on me because I go to special "sessions" and they asume it's simply because I am not intelligent
Hmm as said before everyone has their own theories.
For me seeing as I am not religious I personally do not believe in heaven or hell so i just think we live to die, if there was no living there would be no death, so what would be the point of death if there was no way to reach that destined end
The FM+ games never being released outside of Japan, was it too dificult to translate it.
As many others have pointed out, the singing in Atlantica. You beat Ursula by singing? Honestly is the singing that atrocious that it made her go deaf or something.
Sora's voice in KH1, with Captain Hook when he's talking to Riku and calls him stupid, argh it's soo annoying!
Lets see,
Every Org. XIII members death.
When Goofy got hit on the head (I was playing it at 3 am and was very snappy so I threw my controller at the screen and started shouting "HOW ON EARTH COULD YOU KILL GOOFY YOU-" The rest was a whole mess of bad language),
The ending of both games simply because I did not want it to end,
And When I realised that I couldn't buy KH:FM+ CoM.
Marluxia and Sakura (naruto)
Just think about it, they both have pink hair, whenever Marly lifts his hood, attacks, teleports, dies there are the petals that look like cherry blossom petals, and what does Sakura's name mean. CHERRY BLOSSOM. It's like they were meant to be
Ohh whenever I get Bored in science me and my mate sort out names, hmmm lets see. For my nickname
"kisax" Didn't even jumble them then got told off for laughing
And my real name.
Well my brother told me about and mentioned that it was by the same people that made Final Fantasy and because I am A BIG fan of Sqaure-Enix I got on a bus went the nearest game shop and bought KH1 and it just progressed from there
Hmm Fuits Basket
Kindom Hearts
Battle Royal
Well caused no hassle, but also could anyone possibly recomend another series please I need something new.
Thank you.