Recent Content by andrehzaum

  1. andrehzaum
    Hi, I've tried to input the Money Code, so, I've discovered something interesting
    Could someone else test this code?
    2A4F1800 000F423F

    My Codebreaker is version 10.1, and I've tried so many codes, and so, this is what i've found out:

    I got the ArMax codes from VideoGameCrazyMan, and converted to RAW
    203CFB7C 000F423F (the code that don't worked, right?)
    So, everybody though that it should be encrypted to V7+ with CB2Crypt, right?
    it doesn't worked either, BUT

    i just tried to encrypt with no V7+ encrypting
    and tried to test
    and it worked :)

    I think the other codes from VideoGameCrazyMan and those on the GameFaqs that lehguy posted

    Hope this could help someone :noworries:
    Post by: andrehzaum, Jul 5, 2008 in forum: Code Vault