The colors became really bright, that's interesting. But that's only a picture, not sure if it's going to be the same while playing. A little bit flashy, although it's a basic problem of 3D computer models to be like plastic.
And yeah, they still have got the same outfit. I've expected them to change at least something there :\
Dancing Aqua... And her outfit...
It all reminds me about Yuna 0o
Terra falls into darkness... Oh yeah, makes me feel that all guys with the name with the meaning earth LOVE to do it ><
My worst experience in KH1 was Hollow Bastion. Ugh..... That labirints.... I can't still fiand an exit x(
Worst experience in KH2 was last fight with Xemnas. Final part. Everything became dark, I was surrounded by red arows.... I must press X and triangke to block attacks....Damn, I pressed only X, so I died very soon.... I started to fight final boss again, and again, and again...without pressing triangle. I thought I was low lvl, so I started the game from the very beginning 0.o The third time I played KH2 I beated Xemnas.D:
I'd like to play
- as Riku(of course!)
- as Ven ('cause he's tragical character)
- as Aqua(imho it's funny to play as a girl fighting with "monsters")
- as Kairi(um...never...mind...=A=)
Did you notice in Birth by Sleep trailer or screenshot where Terra summoning his Keyblade?
This flash, when it appears is too strange...
Those squares that surrounds the Keyblade......
Remember when first time Roxas summoned Keyblade in Twilight Town to attack Dusk? They are ALIKE.... Don't you think?
The Terra's Keyblade's flash is different from Sora's Keyblade's.
Wow, thanks a lot!
One disappointment - no Aqua T_T
P.S. Terra and Ven look better in the video then on screenshots xDDDD They are so cute, especially Xeanort!x)
Well, I cannot say I hate her, I do not care about her.
She is like an unknown personage, we don't know much about her. Only that she don't remember where she came from, she's one of Seven Princesses...ALSO we can't say she is a Keyblade Wielder! ><
But first, that I can say NOW, she is not interesting for me. Kairi had got her own disposition in KH1, but now she hasn't.
I hope that Nomura will give her more important role in the third game.
Maybe someone told their parents that Sora and Riku have a great journey, so they don`t worry?0.o And Riku HAS the family. Remember in * I don`t remember where =D* somebody * I don`t remember who * told Riku, that he destroyed islands, betrayed friends and family! *but I wish his parents died long time ago... I dunno why, but he does not that character, that must be with his family 0.0*
Hm, can you imagine this?
OK, Sora, Kairi, Riku obtained cell phones.
When Distiny Islands were destroyed, Sora phones Riku, quickly finds him and both of them save Kairi. No interesting, ya?
BTW, there is magic, Gummy Ship... They don`t need it :)
P.S. But in the question why Sora have no education... he doesn`t even know what homework is!>< Though he can read0.o
P.P.S. Sora and others don`t need any technology. They have island, beach, sun, sea... friends at least! What else do they need for full happiness!xDD
BTW did you see what computers there are? In Twilight Town for example?*I wonder how DiZ and Pence used it 0_0'''*
First of all, I don`t understand people thinking AquaxVen because she caught him and had such a LOOK to him... Anyone would catch his friend and looked at him to be sure he is OK.
Anyway, back to the topic. I think TerraxAqua is more real, than AquaxVen, `cause Aqua is much older than Ven. But maybe SE want to try something new...hyu-hyu...^^ But Disney will not let it be x(