Recent Content by Allen Tor

  1. Allen Tor
    I liked them in Birth By Sleep, back then it was a neat new way to streamline things like selecting magic and items and give the player an easy way to do some of the more advanced moves, plus the command styles are great for changing up combat and the later ones are just plain awesome. By Re:coded the command styles are gone and all that streamlining starts to feel more like it's restricting things than opening them up. Now instead of being able to use seven spells at any given time in KH1 or six at any time in 2, plus whatever strong or weak physical moves you have equipped, summons, and a number of items, you get 8 slots to put all of these things into with no summons, so you have to give up some of your options in combat no matter what. Take into account that all of the best skills take up two slots each and you end up with four possible options in combat and that's if you don't feel like you need to reserve a slot for healing.

    Then there's the fact that both of the previous numbered entries have used the command menu system and up until Re:Coded all the spin off games had their own combat systems and so the command deck immediately started to feel stale after being put into more than one. By 3D all of the problems with the system stood out more than it's advantages and I was disappointed that they didn't have something new.

    Where did you hear that reaction commands weren't going to be in this one? I haven't seen them even mentioned anywhere.
    Post by: Allen Tor, Jun 24, 2015 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. Allen Tor
    I'm glad that this game's going to be using the menu from KH1 and 2 instead of the deck commands, they were fun in Birth By Sleep but I was pretty much done with them by the time 3D rolled around. As for having mostly new worlds, I can't decide whether I'm excited to see the new worlds or disappointed at all the old Disney characters Sora's made friends with that we won't get to see again this time around. Also I'm totally hoping for a Gargoyles world.
    Post by: Allen Tor, Jun 23, 2015 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. Allen Tor
    Well that makes sense, I guess. And after a quick look around it's not really as bad as my first impressions made it seem. Still I think a few improvements could be made.
    Post by: Allen Tor, Jun 12, 2015 in forum: Community News & Projects
  4. Allen Tor
    I didn't even think about that! I probably would've asked for her to be playable.
    Post by: Allen Tor, Jun 12, 2015 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  5. Allen Tor
    I don't want to sound overly negative, but when you say "multiple styles for different users" could one of those be the style from KH-Vids 8, please? I liked that look a lot better.
    Post by: Allen Tor, Jun 12, 2015 in forum: Community News & Projects
  6. Allen Tor
    I think Sanctuary is a better song overall, but I like Simple and Clean better because I'm a sucker for all things romantic.
    Post by: Allen Tor, May 6, 2015 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  7. Allen Tor
    I'm afraid to ask, but what exactly is "cis privilege" and how are accusations of it a problem on this site?
    Post by: Allen Tor, Apr 11, 2015 in forum: Community News & Projects
  8. Allen Tor
    That doesn't mean he can't be his own character.

    Man I hope Bayo doesn't get in, I don't want Smash to be rated M.
    Post by: Allen Tor, Apr 9, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  9. Allen Tor
    I don't think I'm going to vote for Sora. Right now I'm trying to decide between voting for my old main back (Snake), Chrom from Fire Emblem Awakening, or Phoenix Wright. Not that I wouldn't enjoy playing as a Kingdom Hearts character if one did get in, I'd just rather have one of those three.
    Post by: Allen Tor, Apr 9, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  10. Allen Tor
    So I guess it's been long enough that you could've learned on your own by now but in case you haven't yet:

    Post by: Allen Tor, Apr 9, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  11. Allen Tor
    Ramza from Final Fantasy Tactics, because him and Sora both have that whole all-loving, pure good hero thing going on, and it'd be interesting to see them interact, especially if Ramza's backstory in KH is anything like it was FFT.
    Delita from the same game as above due to being Ramza's Riku sort of figure (the best friend who turned to darkness and who the hero had to fight).
    All the party members from FF7 (except Cait Sith) because I love the cast of that game.
    Sephiroth, because he's the optional boss for Kingdom Hearts.
    Kefka Palazzo of FF6, because, well because I really like Kefka.
    Similarly, Locke, Celes, Gau, Terra, Shadow and his dog, Relm, Edgar, and Sabin from FF6 because I like those characters.
    Another Cid, from any of the other games, or possibly multiple other Cids, because I think Sora's reaction to that could be pretty funny.
    More FF villains in general, because that's a huge untapped well of potential for these games, as demonstrated by Sephiroth.
    Cecil Harvey, because I keep hearing good things about him and I haven't actually played his game.
    Zack Fair, because I really want for him to be okay.
    And anyone who's already been in a Kingdom Hearts game, because it would be weird/disappointing (depending on the character) if any of them didn't come back.

    (Also I know it's not Final Fantasy but I'd love to see some Chrono Trigger in the next or future KH games.)
    Post by: Allen Tor, Feb 9, 2015 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  12. Allen Tor
    I second this notion. Everyone on this site will learn how to make games over the course of the next month, then we will all fly to japan and perform a hostile takeover of- I mean get hired at- Square Enix and the next Kingdom Hearts game will be made by the greatest KH fansite in existence! Now quickly, everyone to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber!
    Post by: Allen Tor, Jan 25, 2015 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  13. Allen Tor
    No status update at this time.
    Status Update by Allen Tor, Jan 15, 2015
  14. Allen Tor
    Have a Sappy New Year everyone. Wait, that's not right.

    Have a Crappy New Year? No, that sounds worse than the first one.

    A Flappy New Year? Are there any birds reading this?

    Happy New Year? No, that doesn't sound right either.

    Forget it, this is too much work.

    (Seriously though, Happy New Year everybody.)
    Post by: Allen Tor, Jan 7, 2015 in forum: Community News & Projects
  15. Allen Tor
    I guess that makes sense about the mannerisms, I don't usually notice stuff like that though unless I pay really close attention. Also weird is cool, weird is what keeps everybody from being all exactly alike. (and I'd be willing to bet I'm way weirder than you or anyone else you know, It's just really well hidden behind the keyboard.)
    Post by: Allen Tor, Dec 27, 2014 in forum: Community News & Projects