Recent Content by Alkhem

  1. Alkhem
    Well, there is always a conflict between the objective and subjective on that matter. To begin with, i believe that the universe is not something in perfect order that is discovered through logic, language and science (as view since Aristotle) , but it is in fact very related to how the consciousness acts and how language makes the concepts. An eternal fold on our own cognitive endeavors. I see the universe as a folding spiral within a stream of consciousness that acts as a judge to the reality that is only on our being and the collective one.
    Post by: Alkhem, Jan 16, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  2. Alkhem

    They are a prog. rock band from italy. By the way, the whole "italian progressive rock" movement is awesome.
    Post by: Alkhem, Jan 6, 2013 in forum: Music
  3. Alkhem


    Yeah, i did a couple of Cambridge exams during highschool but my english learning comes mostly from books, music (80% of the bands i listen to are in english), movies and of course videogames like KH ;)

    ... In fact, i have no one to practice my english now. I used to talk with a friend from Denmark (he had a funny accent too), but he left since summer.

    Heh, i like the way you type
    many in the spamzone dwells?
    heck, way too much hype
    on that nasty wells


    I see many of you like pokémon. I just got my copy of White 2 some weeks ago and i like it a lot. It was a shock to see how competitive pokémon is now.

    Post by: Alkhem, Jan 6, 2013 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  4. Alkhem


    Thank you for the warm welcome. It's been a long time since i was in a forum, i see that not many things changed heh.

    Oh! Also i would like to point out that english is not my first language, so If you notice that i post weird things feel free to point them out.

    Post by: Alkhem, Jan 5, 2013 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  5. Alkhem


    Hello there, this is an interesting community.

    I like many things, i don't dislike or hate that many tho'.

    See you around... Or behind, or below. D:
    Thread by: Alkhem, Jan 5, 2013, 20 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures