Recent Content by Alex8thKeyDeciple

  1. Alex8thKeyDeciple

    Ahh yes "mansex", when disney hentai just doesn't cut it. XD

    Anyways yeah, I like summon codes, good job coder who made them.
    Post by: Alex8thKeyDeciple, Nov 18, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Alex8thKeyDeciple
    "Hey guys, ive seen a few hacks in youtube a while back but does anyone have this illusive code;

    - sora can wield 3 keyblades

    So yeah basically one that isolates the string of code from the battle with Roxas In The World That Never Was, where sora can have chances to utilize the keyblades roxas was using during the fight. It seems like it is different from a drive-like form where it isnt necessarily a part of sora's model, it looks more like an addon to Sora's skills to provide extra battle support- this can be verified in seeing how whenever Sora attacks and what particular attack Sora performs yields different highly effective attacks during this battle. So, it would seem Sora would be able to use this code throughout the entire game without any glitches and such. Maybe drive forms could override this code so that you cant use it during drive forms. I'm hoping the shoulder mounted attacks isnt linked to the non-drive Sora so that these shoulder-hovering keyblades would still be usable/active during any drive you use-perhaps then maybe theres 2 codes? 1 for non-drive Sora and the other enabling it with all drives? The latter would suffice,this code alone would deem worthy of another play through as it would be a great addition when say combining with other codes... O____O Alpha Anti-form??!

    Heres the video of the battle with Sora battling Organization XIII' thirteenth member, Roxas:

    Thanks Guys and great job as always."
    I've seen a coder on youtube use this exact code to fight against the 1000 Heartless battle... whats the code that allows it?
    Post by: Alex8thKeyDeciple, Oct 17, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Alex8thKeyDeciple
    Hehe nice, I'd love a goofy code too :P But Maybe a code to play as goofy or donald or sora alone? With summons usable and when you drive you just turn into sora with the drive you wanted to use.

    thanks. :)
    Post by: Alex8thKeyDeciple, Oct 5, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Alex8thKeyDeciple
    Hey guys, ive seen a few hacks in youtube a while back but does anyone have this illusive code;

    - sora can wield 3 keyblades

    So yeah basically one that isolates the string of code from the battle with Roxas In The World That Never Was, where sora can have chances to utilize the keyblades roxas was using during the fight. It seems like it is different from a drive-like form where it isnt necessarily a part of sora's model, it looks more like an addon to Sora's skills to provide extra battle support- this can be verified in seeing how whenever Sora attacks and what particular attack Sora performs yields different highly effective attacks during this battle. So, it would seem Sora would be able to use this code throughout the entire game without any glitches and such. Maybe drive forms could override this code so that you cant use it during drive forms. I'm hoping the shoulder mounted attacks isnt linked to the non-drive Sora so that these shoulder-hovering keyblades would still be usable/active during any drive you use-perhaps then maybe theres 2 codes? 1 for non-drive Sora and the other enabling it with all drives? The latter would suffice,this code alone would deem worthy of another play through as it would be a great addition when say combining with other codes... O____O Alpha Anti-form??!

    Heres the video of the battle with Sora battling Organization XIII' thirteenth member, Roxas:

    Thanks Guys and great job as always.
    Post by: Alex8thKeyDeciple, Oct 3, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Alex8thKeyDeciple
    Hmm, really? Odd, ive seen youtube vids with crazy players using ultima TWICE in Sora's hands(probably a duel wield variant that allows double damage instead of a combo riched, valor copy... ), it looked like a double wield than a "duel wield" where you hold 2 keyblades and not just a dummy/fake one; he was hitting pretty uberly in the damage department... >__> and hovering 2 other keyblades over Sora's left shoulder- but no code given..[DOUBLEPOST=1347664716][/DOUBLEPOST]Hahaha, you guys arnt gonna believe this but I found something by accident. :P

    So i was just playing with the codes and i discovered something that I sorta requested earlier about having any form shoot wisdom "light" shots WHILE you can attack ie; swing your keyblade- but i suggested an alternative to it by doing the opposite- adding codes to wisdom or tweeking that....

    Anyways... heres a code you guys might enjoy and im testing it as you read this right now. :D
    Actually enabled through a 3 part code so multiple thanks on the coders who created these here in Kh-vids.

    1)-It works by adding the first code that is needed to allow attack animations using wisdom form. It seems the position of the keyblade vs lock or not will affect the direction of the wisdom light shot -not entirely useless at all, it works. :) Posted earlier by Crazydude1234, "4 combo plus & finish plus code"

    2)-Then the "Sora Synch Blade code"(valor basically without the model-stays in Sora Form)

    3)-Then a not-so-common wisdom form code that not only turns on wisdom indeffinitely but allows it to duel wield as well. Note; the last 4 digits of this code determine the secondary weapon i believe, use the item list to choose what weapon to secondary wield.(recommended)

    Wisdom Form Duel Wield +PLUS+ (shoot & attack)

    E004FEFF 0034D45C
    2032E0F8 00A200A2
    2032E0FC 00A200A2
    2032E100 01890189
    2032E104 01890189

    11Ce0B68 00000055
    21C95554 00303031
    21C95558 00000000

    11CE0B68 00000056
    21CD5230 46544C55
    21CD5234 00004C5F
    21CD5248 58455F57
    21CD524C 5F303130
    21CD5250 46544C55
    21CD5254 0000525F
    1032EE5C 00000220

    (Note; Use the model color modifier to say... purple. Fitting as it is valor red and wisdom blue, im calling it Expert "warlock" Form.)
    Post by: Alex8thKeyDeciple, Sep 14, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Alex8thKeyDeciple
    Right, i seen this one and vids on it, good add. Though I wish you had a fix code for that like the one they made to make more than one main character(sora) usable.[DOUBLEPOST=1347660161][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Hey, that reminds me, they did make a code to have sora hold more than one keyblade... know where to get it?
    Post by: Alex8thKeyDeciple, Sep 14, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  7. Alex8thKeyDeciple
    Thank, good to know. :) Though I see what you mean now, yeah that makes sense, maybe if i tried the opposite approach by adding codes to wisdom and limit... if you know any codes to make those 2 forms more fun im all ears, thanks a bunch.

    - Okay so i just got done trying to use that code, even tried joking it- no results :/ Any suggestions/other raw codes i could try to get single items and equippable abilities?

    - So, know of a wisdom or limit form duel wield code? I must have seen one somewhere, you guys are hard to keep up with. ^^

    thanks peeps, keep up the good work!
    Post by: Alex8thKeyDeciple, Sep 14, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  8. Alex8thKeyDeciple
  9. Alex8thKeyDeciple

    First of all I want to say Thank You for all the coders here in for all the hard work you guys do, you guys are badass. <3 :D

    Okay so heres my request; This one seems like it could benefit everyone pretty good, codes for basically creating youre own ability list to "player slot 1" by "adding" (not replacing anything)any individual ITEMS and Abilities from the complete list.

    Example: Sora has the synch blade ability(able to change the secondary weapon at ingame menu) with wisdoms' mobile action(hover?) and when he attacks with the keyblades he can shoot AS WELL. Also note; doing this without the need to completely use moveset codes or character modify codes-- being able to choose and add yourself and still have sora's abilities.

    Also, I like the limit form a lot, i think having kh1 abilities is great, we all know how dodge roll ability is lifesaving... is there a code for being able to have the Limit Form command with the Limit mp actions usable replacing the quick command magic but still being able to cast magic from the other menu?

    - Player slot 1 can always shoot when attacking(any form)
    (but im sure all i would need is the buttom code if i can add it and it works)
    - Add a single item/ability to "player slot 1" (sora specifically)
    Is this it??? 1033FF84 00000??? -> Sora
    - Have Limit Command Active (any form)

    Much appreciated in advance! (^^,)_\m/
    Post by: Alex8thKeyDeciple, Sep 14, 2012 in forum: Code Vault