Recent Content by alb89

  1. alb89
    i know how it works, i've had this the ARMax disk for about 2 years now...
    but, i'll make a new KH2 file on the disk and try it that way...
    Post by: alb89, Dec 29, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  2. alb89
    sorry to disappoint you dude...but thats not working either, it come up with 'uknown error'
    but like i said, the codes can be put in fine...but when it comes down to working in the game...they simply dont...

    guess i'll just wait for codejunkies to get their UK server working again, thanks anyway
    Post by: alb89, Dec 29, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  3. alb89
    i've used the one posted on the first page along with the code i was after (max munny) and theres no problem putting the codes in etc...but when it comes to the game it just doesn't work... other words there is no 'riches' that im after
    Post by: alb89, Dec 28, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  4. alb89
    erm are you sure they're the codes for the PAL version of KH2?
    'cos, ive tried the ones i need for my ARMax disk and they're not working...? codejunkies UK website (and US for that matter) are both down so i cant check them...
    Post by: alb89, Dec 28, 2007 in forum: Code Vault