Hmmm ..... Well I still think its possible.
Its hard to keep up with all the things that fit together. Like how Sora's necklace [if inlarged] fits into the kingdom keyblade, or how even though they promised they would meet again, Sora and Namine never talked in Kingdom Hearts 2. Sure I know that his memories of her were erased but she still knew about what had happened right?
And I know that its out there but if the next Kingdom Hearts game doesn't have Sora, Kairi, and Riku with atleast a hint of some other familar faces Ill be mad. I know Ill still end up getting the game but if the next one is just abunch of knights like in the secret endding I'll be less interested. I want to play a game with regular looking people I can somewhat relate to not some big shiny guys in metal.
Well I would really give anything to draw. I really just wish I had a better computer but I don't have any money to buy one. I really want to get in to movie editing when I grow up and these amvs seem like the best place for me to start but my mom just thinks Im wasting my time.
But I tried that once.
I didn't get too far.
Im not that great a writer.
I wish I could draw. That would be cool but Ive tried and Im not very good at that either.
Im depressed. not really. this isn't really sad. sorta.
Heres why.
Ok Im not here to get attention at all. I just am bored and need to rant.
First off
I use my mom's work laptop for all my video making since my computer's movie maker crashed for some odd reason. But my mom works at a big company [Acatel]
and they are doing lay-offs. Anyways she is losing her job next friday but we aren't too worried because she already has other job offers. The only problem is that next Friday she will have to give up her laptop. The one I use for my amvs. And where she is going to work next wont give her a laptop. So I really only have one more week to make amvs and well...thats my life. Im on youtube and I just uploaded my 108th amv and I really don't know what Im going to do!
I really just needed to get all that off my chest. Anyways Im not looking for pity but mabey you know of something I could do to ease my bored-ness?
I just really don't want to loose everything I have worked so hard on. And what really sucks is all of these new clips from the Kingdom Hearts final mix + and Re:CoM are comming out and I have like a million amv ideas that I will never be able to use.
As a big fan of Axel, I think that it's possible. Really out there but possible. I just don't see how you could go from grey/silver hair to bright red hair but still it is Kingdom Hearts so anything is possible.
Ok so Im kinda new at this posting theory thing but last night I had a dream(Im going crazy) about this-
What we have seen in the both of the secret endings happens before Sora, Kairi, and Riku are even born.
First off- Take the some of the first words we see from the secret ending -
"Birth By Sleep"
Ok now as you see that one knight who got frozen looks dead but if you look close you see his eyes move.
This "freeze" could make the person "sleep" and in that sleep a regular person is formed. This is how we get Sora. I think that these Knights/Chasers are the third kind of thing (like heartless and nobodys) but they are different in a way. Like they are worriers that fight in this "Keyblade war" after the war they vanish. Untill some point in Kingdom Hearts 3 mabey?
Like I was saying- When one of the knights is frozen they sleep. While asleep part of them forms a keyblade master. Sora, who's knight froze first, started showing signs of being a keybalde master first. Then Riku, then Kairi. But we don't see thier knights being frozen. Possible that we may see that in the Kh3 onening?
This would explain why the frozen knight looks so much like Sora/Roxas.
One thing that might mess up my theory is that they knight at the end, the one with brown hair, looks like xemnes. I don't have any pictures but the hair seems the same.
And at the very end of the secret ending we see good ol' king Mickey. He looks younger there. He saw everything that happened and that would explain how he knows about Sora and the keyblades and all that stuff. Mabey Ansem the Wise sent him to witness the keyblade war for more reaserch? Im not too sure but I think that Mickey used to be Ansem the Wise's aprentice?
Thats mostly all I have got. I know. I have odd dreams but I think its possible.
Any thoughts?