Recent Content by AkaiRounin333

  1. AkaiRounin333
    Personally, I like the blue one better, but I still like the kh1. I would very much like to see Sora dual wield both at the same time, with the blue one in his right hand. If someone would photoshop that, that would look sweet. Just an idea. XD
    Post by: AkaiRounin333, Nov 10, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. AkaiRounin333
    from what I know, roxas was like dormant in sora. When Axel died, that triggered roxas to kinda wake up from inside, and I'm guessing roxas wanted control of their body, or maybe just to fight sora, but regardless, axel's death triggered roxas's reawakening, and thus faught sora. With the scene after that, with roxas talking with Axel, I think, personally, it was a memory clash. It was what was left of Axel talking with what was left of Roxas, and they had one final conversation. At the end, roxas was going to be dormant again, but still be existing as pointed out by namine at one of the last cutscenes. Roxas then said his goodbye to Axel, since he is really dead, and things returned to normal. Does this help at all? Sorry about no paragraphs.
    Post by: AkaiRounin333, Oct 25, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX