someone can give me the code of terra ally?
someone can give me the code to handle llabes of Roxas anytime? as in this vidio
I do not need to amend the code hp and mp of sora and the codebreaker
someone can give me the movificador of hp and mp of sora? and to take 9 rods drive
someone can give me the code to modify the vt of sora? for codebreaker
someone can give me the code to modify the vt of sora?
someone can give me the code for acer commands reaction with Roxas and dw Roxas? for codebreaker
Munie but if that someone can give me that code?
someone can give me the code platines infinite? for codebreaker
someone I can explain how to use the joker? like this here the joker mod Joker: E0??F?FF 0034D45C Jokers: R1 = F7FF L1 = FBFF L2 = FEFF R2 = FDFF ?? = Number of Lines
someone can give me all the codes that an out by the momneto for khre:com?