Recent Content by ahirun

  1. ahirun
    I made a code which copy "revenge value" to Sora's HP.
    In this game, whenever we attack enemies, "revenge value" is accumulated. If it reaches maximal value, enemies use "forced revenge". This code enables us to see how the value fluctuate. It helps us to consider optimal combo.
    Post by: ahirun, Aug 11, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  2. ahirun
    Thanks, I know it, but... As you say, 1 hit is needed to die even if hp 0. The code has no power when there is no enemy close. By combining with a code which make Sora take knocked pose, I might be able to kill him. Is there such code or other methods? Soft reset is very, very important for comfortable game play.
    Post by: ahirun, Aug 7, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  3. ahirun
    Is there a code to kill Sora? I want to use it to load other save data without pushing PS2's reset button.
    Post by: ahirun, Aug 7, 2012 in forum: Code Vault