Recent Content by Agent.T
♛ ▌1 0 0 D A Y S ❣
[Tumblr]Brian seemed a little troubled. Chase frowned and was about to offer assistance when Madeline came in. He immediately lost his train of thought. At first just shocked by the sudden noise. Eventually he summoned the courage to speak "I haven't seen Yuna around. In fact I haven't seen many people today now I think about it..." Chase stopped and his widened. The storm, the lock down, the sudden lack of people...It could mean...Crestatia. "What are you doing now? I get the feeling being alone isn't a great idea right now" Chase looked around nervously. -
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[Tumblr]Chase was a little confused, what was Aileen pointing at? After a few moments he noticed Brian "Oh, good morning Brian" Chase smiled "Sorry I didn't see you there. Really it's just that it's still dark" He apologized "Have you two been okay? The weather seems to be a little bad" Chase giggled to himself. 'A little' -
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[Tumblr]Chase slowly opened his eyes. The floor beneath him was cold. With a moan Chase sat up and looked around, he was near the entrance to the courtyard. The last thing he could remember was falling asleep listening to Quin's music. After standing up and looking outside he must have came inside after the storm started. He got his phone out to check the time, it was...morning? No that can't be right...Somebody would have woken him up...He looked outside again, the storm looked awful...Maybe it was to do with that? He slowly made his way to the auditorium deciding if he was right then people would be gathered there.When Chase arrived at the auditorium he heard music, when he looked around to find the source he found it was too dark to make anybody out from the distance. He made his way to the source of the music, sing his hands as a guide. He sat down and turned to the music and saw a girl he recognized. She had been at Lacey's a few days back. After a few moments of hesitation Chase murmured "Morning" In greeting. -
I am so sorry for my lack of posting lately Q.Q things have been a little hectic at home...Due to this bloody illness I just can't keep myself awake late at night to post Dx things should be calming around here though
♛ ▌1 0 0 D A Y S ❣
[Tumblr]Chase tried to go about his normal routine. Most of what he heard was background noise. He kept his smile throughout the entire day. But Lacey's was running through his head, he could have died. But instead lots of innocent people died. That explosion...Before Chase knew it lunch was upon him. He decided to grab something that wasn't very thrilling from the cafeteria. From there he walked to the courtyard and sat beneath a tree. Chase heard Quin's playing, just as beautiful as it had been on the day of the concert. He smiled thinking back to that day, it was a good day. Somehow things were simpler then, it felt like a lifetime had passed since then. Quin really is talented Chase thought to himself, closing his eyes. -
Dx I'm sorry! *Parks totally legitimate time machine* I'll be more caareful ^_^
I love these re-caps so much~ All the giggles ^_^
So basically in a nutshell:
Everybody is bad people, boom, still bad people.
xDD I'll post later on today ^_^ I have college and for some reason they blocked KHV there B( -
♛ ▌1 0 0 D A Y S ❣
[Tumblr]As Chase ran he heard the ear shattering explosion. Everything went black, but there was no pain. For a minute he thought he was dead but after a while of laying there he opened his eyes, still no pain. Probably because of the shock. With a groan he pulled himself off the ground staring into the flames "Did everybody make it?" He murmured. I'm alive, I'm really alive! But then he heard Madeline and Quin. Ashina and Xavier. Ash and Xavier. Ash. "Oh god" He muttered to himself. The last thing he'd said to her was that he didn't like her. He'd lied to try and protect her but she died anyway. She died. Chase let out a few dry sobs. He had meant to apologize and make things right. "I didn't mean it Ash. I actually really like you, I'm sorry I didn't say so sooner." He looked into the sky smiling. Well his lips were curled up but his eyes just couldn't reflect it. He believed in an afterlife, he knew that Ash could see him and hear him. It comforted Chase ever so slightly.Chase looked around, it seemed everybody else was going to be okay, Altair was being carried away by paramedics. Chase flashed him a half smile to try and say "It'll be okay". He saw Madeline and Quin get into a car and drive away. Anthony was walking away. Temperance and Yuna were still standing around. Beyond the two that had-...Chase couldn't even bring himself to think of the word 'dead'...Everybody seemed to alright for the most part.Chase dug in his pockets and pulled out the bus fare and walked to the bus stop. The ride home didn't take very long but it felt like forever. After getting home his mother asked him why he wasn't in school. He simply replied "I met some friends at Lacey's...There was an explosion...I have to go to bed!" He ran to his room and lay on the bed. "Goodnight Ash" He murmured softly and smiled ever so slightly as a tear escaped his eye. It only took him a few minutes to fall asleep. -
♛ ▌1 0 0 D A Y S ❣
[Tumblr]Hearing Abby's warning Chase glanced in the opposite direction she was running. His eyes widened, two people were to die today, could this be it? "Get away from Lacey's!" Chase screamed out, trying to make sure everybody had a chance to escape, before running as fast as his legs would take him. -
♛ ▌1 0 0 D A Y S ❣
[Tumblr]After the fight had unfolded Chase looked back, if he had just stood up and moved when Madeline had nudged him that fight might have been avoided. Well no use regretting it, Chase left the diner approached Madeline cautiously "I hope you're okay." He smiled "Sorry to interrupt but I just wanted to say that this went well, you got everyone together, some talking happened. Maybe if some ground rules are laid out and the location's better then our next meeting will be much more fruitful." He grinned, he'd meant every word he had said. "Well I really hope you survive all this" Chase nodded and then looked around. -
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Chase murmured an apology under his breath and listened to what everybody had to say. After the email had been brought up Chase looked at it, still seemed pretty unreadable...Unless..."Maybe we're looking at it wrong, maybe it's like a code...Or an anagram." Chase concentrated hard the small writing "Actually if you look there is a capital N...Could be N for 'No' like 'No drinking while driving' or a rule like that...Or a different word starting with N...Does anybody have anything we can write all the letters down on? It would be easier to figure out if everything was, you know, bigger" Chase hoped he'd not made a total fool of hiself a second time -
♛ ▌1 0 0 D A Y S ❣
"What if this game isn't just about Crestatia's entertainment?" Chase suggested "I mean we have no reason to trust anything she tells us. What if she's trying to make better people out of us? So to not be killed would be to become a better person...In her point of view anyway. Perhaps by following the rules of this game she expects some of us to be better people, anyone who doesn't...Passes away. So her motive could be to create her perfect world with her perfect people." Chase thought about what he had just said, it certainly seemed like a possibility to him. "But there's not too much to support what I'm saying is there? We don't have a lot to go on...And that last rule...That could have been the huge sign post with the name of the game...Well we had one chance to ask about things, maybe we'll get another." -
We love our bread, we love our butter but most of all, we love eachother~ -
♛ ▌1 0 0 D A Y S ❣
[Tumblr]Chase considered for a moment "We can most definitely win! She said herself she thinks two of us could go beyond the 100 days so surely there is a way to pull through." Chase smiled and looked at Madeline "Though she said she was doing this for fun...We don't really have any proof that says she's honest...And even if entertainments her game...Then since the idea of her game is that we die, then her idea of entertainment could be suffering. Heart break and things like that." -
♛ ▌1 0 0 D A Y S ❣
[Tumblr]Chase heard Madeline greet everybody. "Ah never mind I suppose, she's here already, maybe next time?" Chase smiled politely, he went back for his coffee and sat at the same table Madeline picked. "Morning Madeline" He said smiling politely again, a smile's contagious after all...If Chase seemed happy and okay...Hopefully everybody else would be happy and okay. He took a sip of his coffee and waited to find out what was going to be discussed.