hey 00Roxas00, i need alot of codes for this, i need the ally sora, valor form with final form,limit form with wisdom form, master form with valor form, final form with limit form, and sora weilds way to the dawn in Final Mix codes. Do u have Ally Roxas too?
and does any know any new codes?, haven't being here for a long time
does anybody have the codebreaker cheat code for Ally Roxas and Sora( can move differntly, not move at the same time like sora), and my sora a boss if possible. Oh, if anyone want to have Ally sora, can you change in different form? like this one.
i do own a cheat device, but i never use it on this game, yes it's a dark aeon onl for japan and some regions, oh and wat the ELF? and the cds is scratch, is that why it froze.
I have a serious problem and needed help from this game. I decided to fight Dark Valefor to see how strong it is and after a little cutsence, it froze. I tried to do it over and over, it still froze. I copy to another DVD and it still froze. I could fight the other dark aeons. but not Dark Valefor.
I have a USA PS2 system, Swap magic 3.6, and the game is Final Fantasy X International Ultimate Hits. ( not a download game) Any sugesstion and please ask any question that is related to this videos. in the bottom.