Recent Content by A Shining Armour
School Violence...
School violence is wrong, there's no doubt about it. Look at Columbine as the scapegoat example... but then, for those that want to take a look at the pyscology of it, watch something like "Bowling for Columbine"... which most probably have.
I've only ever had a friend bring a knife to school... I freaked, but didn't say anything. Wish I had though, because later she got arrested for stabbing someone in a fight (though it wasn't on school property, though it could very well have been).
People who use violence had massive insecurity issues. They constantly feel the need to prove themselves to be better, stronger, able to defend themselves for whatever reason. Maybe they're abused at home, maybe they were picked on during their earlier years at school... maybe they just have low-self-esteem.
But what about non-physical violence? It's all rooted down to the emotional aspect, when you think about it. Especially - this has been proven - between preteen + aged girls, alot of emotional violence and abuse is used. Most cases of school shootings are done by what their peers classify as "the outsiders", the "freaks", etc, etc. -
LMAO... wow... loved it... but you have way too much time on your hands to rhyme all that. Well mostly rhyme. :P
My favourite stanza:
I've never played FE in my life, but I did read it from a writer's point of view and I have to say, it's really well done for a first shot. Like, I mean, your word choice and phrasings of certain actions definitly make for a more interesting read, and you're keeping the pace moving along quickly. I know that it's partly because of space constraints (for example, you don't want to post a 20 page chapter in a post), but all the same it's remaining steady.
However, in regards to the shortness, you want to be careful that it doesn't become blunt. Like, I think there was one line where it went "She thought about all the death she had helped cause and cried in her tent.". It was so... blunt. I think something as powerful as a war and death could merit maybe a paragraph to itself, so as to further draw out the emotions in a piece, you know? You could actually take us through what she's feeling, why she hates it, why she's crying... seems trivial, I know, but it is important.
Also, the only other thing is you don't vary your sentence beginnings alot. Like, you almost always start with a pronoun "he did this", "she did that", "they went there", etc etc. Try mixing up how you put together sentences a bit, just to keep things more interesting for the readers.
Anyways, that's really my only advice, like I said before: it's quite well done. I enjoyed reading about the pick-pocketer boy... that was very breif and well played out humour I thought. If it was supposed to be. :p
Anyways... keep up the good work, my adivce was just to help you improve from an already good level... and have fun while you write! :D -
The Belmont Clan
Anyone who's a fan of Castlevania easily recognizes this name... so... any CV fans out there? There aren't a whole bunch, so I wouldn't be amazed if this thread just died with no responses. No one I personally know gives the amazing saga of the Belmonts in Castlevania the credit they deserve, or any other non blood related heros of the games.
I'll list the ones I've played, though there are many more...
CV: Lament of Innocence(PS2), CV: 64(N64), CV: Legacy of Darkness (N64), CV: Harmony of Dissonance(GBA), CV: Circle of the Moon(GBA), CV: Bloodlines(Genesis), CV: I(SNES), CV: II(SNES), CV: Simon's Quest(SNES), Dracula X (PC/Aracade)
I think that's it... I'm missing some of the older ones I played... ugh... it's been so long... I'm dying to play Castlevania: Curse of Darkness and Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow though.
So? What other fellow gamers have taken up the whip? :p -
The Legend of Zelda
Ahhhh Zelda... how I love the games. Oldest and best... my favourites were Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, easy. Every other Zelda game is pretty much compared to those two to judge their quality, so I mean... how can you not love them?
Ooh well, since we're all keeping things friendly... ;)
... I must say, Nol has brought up some really good points. And I mean, I know this may be a dead topic but I for one do get overly passionate about defending things I like... including Riku. Not like fan girl love (:p no offence) but I mean... I admire his strength of heart so much.
I think that it's so amazing that after everything he went through, he still turned good, he still found his way to the light, he still remembered his friends through it all... after all, he really was just desperate for an escape, for freedom. And I mean, as Tom Krause once said... "If you don't want it bad enough to risk losing it, then you don't want it bad enough."
I think not, and I don't think their relationship would ever work. They don't compliment each other at all... like, their too much alike. Playful, cheerful, happy-go-lucky, friendly... they'd get bored of each faster than... something fast. XD
I don't support Riku and Sora as yaoi either, I've always seen an older brother/ younger brother relationship... but I think Sora needs a girl kinda like Riku. A bit darker, quieter and not so open... to keep Sora guessing at least, and actually give some substanance to their relationship.
Kairi x Sora = typical teen relationship that never goes anywhere and means nothing but hey at least they look good together and that's all that really matters right? -rolls eyes- -
Any Musicians?
I play the viola... and... we kick the violin's arses. Any day. :P
Any genre of rock really except most punk and mainstream stuff. I like the authenticy of real instruments... real singing, real lyrics... real talent. I never really liked it till I started playing the viola; after that I realized how hard it is and how much effort goes ino writing your own music, memorizing it then performing it live (and people expect it to be flawless to). Just like... wow.
Afterall, it's not the way the the first letter alines with the "uck" that makes gives the word such a negative stigma to it. If that was the case, my own name, "Lucky", would be a cursive word in its self. And that would just suck. :P -
I dunno. I personally would die if I dated someone similar to myself... or go crazy. Especially as you get older, and you start to understand yourself better... why would you want to date someone who you've already figured out? Part of a romantic relationship is interest and the chase, and I mean... if you've got that person all totally figured out... it's just no fun. From what I've seen, couples that have different interests do much better than couples who are exactly alike. It broadens the formers horizons and such.
Besides, it's not the interests that matter... what's important is that the foundation of morals and values are the same, because then nothing else really matters. It's like that in any relationship, be it romantic, platonic, etc.
I think people care about interests so much though because maybe their scared that their own interests will be judged, you know? Like if their partner doesn't like the same things they like, then one will ridicule the other. Or their afraid they'll just never have anything to do, and spend their days fighting about how to go out for the evening. Just an opinion; I've got nothing to back that really... not off the top of my head anyways. -
KHI: Riku One Shot Fanfic
Just a sort of drabble about Riku.
After losing his first battle in Hollow Bastion to Sora, Riku makes the final step with some obscured aid. .:KH Riku:.
Rated G.
It's a one shot, which means a fic with only one chapter, usually a drabble/musings/short story/vingette/[insert random fan name here]. So thus not very long. Here's the link if you care to read, it's my first one shot, and first Kingdom Hearts related fan fic.
His Phantom Hand
I'd really like to write more one shots, so please deign to give me some feedback if you have any. You can reply here, but a review on the actual site is preffered. I'd be happy to respond in this thread though, or through a PM or even email if you wish so. Just let me know in a review. :)
Much love and thanks. XD -
Writer's Workshop
Here's a satirical little parody I found of all the really bad Kingdom Heart Alternative Universe fics out there. It doesn't specify any fic in general, just makes fun of all the over-used ideas and cliches that the KH-fandom all too often experiences.
It is rated T, so be warned. It's not very long either... if it's not quite appropriate, then remove it I guess, but other than a little bit of language there's not a real problem...
Here you go:
How to Write a Kingdom Hearts AU Fanfic