yeaa is this code out already? sorry im alittle outv date.
omg most gta games already have every cheat in the book. WIthout a cheating device.
this game seems more complex to hack but when you do it also seems it is more effective.
OMG only people who want the anti-christ to come voted for the inexperienced obama. we need an american hero like mccain to lead us right now... lol they both suck.
omg i want to get this game so badly. my friend has it... i must destroy him for it.
hey i havent asked you in a while but what up with the sora boss code?
deadheart wats up. how's your coding way going?
JLHack7... you seem very amazing with your hacking and modifying skills. great job.
hey i learned all of this stuff in computer science xD
hacky thing? like wat?
erks whats up. anything new about codes man?
hey anti i havent been on for a while. any new updates or codes? any new people to play as? all kingdom hearts related questions.
hey i havent been on for a while. what's up? any updates on anything?
Herc: 11C841AC 000008F9 Meg: 11C84480 000008F9 Phil: 11C84034 000008F9 Peg: 11C84754 000008F9 Save point: 11C8205C 000008F9...