I actually just remembered after googling the worlds. I had just arrived at the timeless river world when I stopped playing. I didn't necessarily stop because of the difficulty, but it did play a small part in it. I had a lot of school work at the time, and I just never bothered to continue with it when I did have time.
I guess I just need to give it a better chance haha. Seeing how gorgeous Final Mix is in 1.5, I think I will wait it out until 2.5 comes out to try again. I think my main problem is not utilizing guard like I should. It's an amazing game either way!
I don't know if it's too late, but I found the battle not too bad. I was a high level, so that's probably why. All I did was use areoga, and slashed away. I cured when appropriate, and definitely use leaf bracer if you have it. Bring ethers, and good luck! (Although you have probably already beat him by now XD)
So I just wanted the opinion of others who have playing the final mix version of Kingdom Hearts 2. I remember attempting to play through the game on Critical mode, but I pretty much gave up. Am I the only one who though it was insanely hard? I remember getting through the first final mix with ease, only struggling with the second Rikku battle and the final wave of heartless before the final save. With the KH2 final mix, I remember I struggled on pretty much every boss, and even fighting normal heartless! I believe I finished the Colossum before deciding to stop. If/when 2.5 releases, I will try again. Did anyone else feel that this game was insanely hard compared to the others?
1.) I was 2-hit by Leon/Squall in Traverse Town instantly
2.) When you fight Tidus, Selphie and Wakka all at once, I got to level 7 just trying to beat them. I bet it took me 20 tries lmao!
3.) Fighting Rikku in the beginning took me 12 tries.
4.) I decided to farm out synthesis items before doing the additional bosses. It was embarrassing because I beat them all with such ease; I think I was around level 85 when I decided to try unknown, and 89 when I fought Sephiroth. Each fight only took two tries on Proud mode. I wish I waited when I was a lower level to be honest..
I hate to ask such a stupid question, but what is a Head Knocker? Are they just figures? Sorry, but I seriously have no idea what it is lol. Anyways, I agree that the proportions are a bit off.