Recent Content by 13518211989Marina

  1. 13518211989Marina
    I can imagine it without Sora. They'd do the same story line with Roxas, and use another character as his nobody (not an existing character). Just a random kid... it's not that hard.
    Post by: 13518211989Marina, Oct 28, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. 13518211989Marina
    I know the two men are mostly main, their story probably has more importance than Aqua who hardly has a scene. It's like the other KH story lines (even though Kairi was involved, she hardly as much part in the scene, and more of Sora/Roxas Riku).

    What I don't like about it is that it'll be on the PSP. I'd prefer it be on main consoles like PS3 (-_-).

    I am excited though. This game is too addictive, even though the Disney makes it look childish, it's still fun. Not saying Disney wasn't cool in the first place.
    Can't wait, but really disappointed in the whole PSP deal.
    Post by: 13518211989Marina, Oct 28, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates