I wasn't expecting all action, in fact I'm not a huge action anime watcher, I just wanted something a little more than just 45 minutes of "this is how our show works" dialogue. I'm gonna watch more tomorrow tho, cuz the premise seems super cool. :)
And the first episode was, like, reallllllly boring. It was just every standing around, talking and expositioning crap and it felt really forced. Tho I heard that it gets so much better later on some I'm still gonna keep going.
If there's any character I'm rooting for atm, it's Kariya, there's just so much feels there haha.
Yay! So happy for Americola, even tho us Irish have it a month longer now ;) We also had Civil Union for like 2 years, which was... problematic. Basically it was our government saying "You can have this fancy title like marriage, but it don't mean s**t," tho its fixed now :)
As for the rainbow flag thingy on facebook, I kept mine for a week, then changed it to a trans flag to support trans rights here.
Also, for queer representation in cartoons, Steven Universe has a character that was literally born from the love of two queer female characters, so I think you'd really like that Misty if you haven't checked it out yet.
I used the Fenrir/negative combo strat, but only because I was playing on critical and he can one shot you fairly quickly, even at lvl. 99. I may play on an easier difficulty and try to beat him normally, but you need mad skills to beat him on crit.
As far as it being cheap, if a strategy works without having to break the game, I say that's all well and good. :3
I don't know if anyone remembers me haha, I joined back in December and lurked around till February till my internet craped out, and I just got it back! Been catching up on the podcast too, which is great as ever. :)
But yea, hi again everyone, hope to enjoy chatting to everyone :)
Its temporary, just switching to a different service provider, but I haven't had internet at home for a week and won't have any untill... I donno. Am only online at my sis' house and such.
Which ain't TOO much of a problem, but seeing as the internet is my main source of communication with friends and such, its hard to plan things with them, and I'm so far behind on my youtube channels and such it'll take ages to catch up, plus no creepily stalking around here.
If I had a job I could pay to get internet myself, but still being in school and with how horrible the economy is here, that is not likely to happen.
tl;dr I ramble too much about over-relying on the internet :p
I only watch one LP which os done by Really Freaking Clever, he's doing a challenge in Super Mario Sunshine where you cant use the Hover Nozzle at all, and I only watch that because 1. He's playing the game with restrictions to make a unique viewing experience, and 2. I think he's hilarious.
As for the KH speedrunner who has no personality, I'm quite sure that's BlitzKidz or something similar (will edit the name later). He is horrible for entertainment, his voice is so flat and he isnt funny, however he is fantastic at the game, and his videos helped me beat the Data-Battles in KH2 on Critical.
Games I'm looking forward to this year...
MGSV: The Phantom Pain - I'm playing through the series from start to finish atm, so by the time I'm done those this should be released, and I'm so hyped for this. Tho from what I've seen from GZ, I'm not so hyped for the story content. Not because its much darker than the rest of the series but because I don't think I handles the themes its running with very well this far. But maybe they'll do a better job this time :)
Persona 5 - OMG! The need to get this game is unreal for me! Persona is like the perfect blend of fantasy and personal life development for me, I love how they mixed the two together in 3 and 4. And I really hope that in romantic relationships they give a definate gay/bi/lesbian option this time around, seeing as the series hasn't had a gay relationship in it since the second installment. But regardless, I know I'll love it!
Also, Misty, you haven't had hot tea!? Maybe its because I'm Irish, but I just cant fathom that xD We drink it almost religiously over here.(I drink like at least 5 cups of it a day, which... probably ain't too good for me haha)