Babies. And lots of 'em.
Tales of Hearts is good. But it's in Japanese.
Best game; G/S/C My favorite; B/R/Y Best pokemon; Missingno imo.
Same thing happen to me, had to go to three gamestops to find ToV. Yeah, Tales of Hearts. There's something with RPGs, I play for abit, then I can't put it down. That bit turns into hours and those hours turn into days, etc.
I was playing ToV but got distracted by Assassin's Creed 2 and DJ Hero. I need to start playing again... I am currently playing ToH. Enjoyable. Tales of fan in the making.
Spoilers: 14th member is Kairi's evil twin *wins* *shot* Who am I keeding. <_< Who in their right mind would believe this nonsense.
Yurp: Just another word for "yup", "yes", etc.
Finally some news. It's been so long. I wonder if Square-Enix is going to release the new BBS trailer at E3.
It's not coming to the U.S, It's dubbed because japanese people like the english voice cast.
He was looking for pudding cups. xDD
Yo! I'm new too, So nothing to worry about.
You got me there. xD
What the hell?! xD
Diamond Pokemon named Wolf. o_o"
Just tell your parents, your going though...changes.