Site News

Viewing only articles tagged with "Site News".

Community PotS, PanS and Coffee!
HEY KIDS. I am proud to announce that the Writing Contests you loved to see us cry over, are finally back in town. However, there have been quite a few changes done to them!

Furthermore, there is currently a poll for the PotS (Prose of the Season) contest. You only have a few days to vote, so get to it! You may also participate in any of the Cafe Sessions, discussions on the elements of reading and writing put up every two weeks!

As you can see, this is a pretty busy month for you Nookettes, and the party is just getting warmed up!

For more information, please read the following threads:

and be sure to check out our Reading & Writing Forum Family, Literate Beans!

Thanks everyone and hope to see you there!
Hey guys, since the move to Xenforo we have been adapting to things and trying to improve most of everything. Unfortunately, moving is a slow and daunting process sometimes--things need fixing, and you have to sort of 'unpack' things.

Sadly, all the pin info has been lost. So all the pins have to be re-awarded. We have made preparations to try and compensate for it. Event Pins which you can re-gain in another year do not apply.

This means that while you can request pins like KH-Vids 2010 or KH-Vids 2011, pins like Castle Survivor or Party Lover, you'll have to wait until the event happens again.

But first a small reminder of what Pins are:

Pins are collectible little medals you obtain from accomplishing things on the site. While they really don't serve a practical purpose, they're nice for having fun and showing them off.

That said, I want to happily announce the opening of BULKY MEDAL, OUR PIN EMPORIUM! (click the image to be taken there)

Bulky Medal.png

In this new Pin Emporium you will be able to do more than what the older pin system allowed:​

  • Request all your pins (so a claim-it-yourself kind of deal)
  • Create Pins with Materials
  • Trade Pins with other members
  • Modify which Pins appear in your posts (still being worked on atm)
So go ahead and check it out! We hope you enjoy it!
Hey guys! We're down to the last events for our Kingdom Hearts 10th Anniversary Celebration -- Giveaways!
That's right, we've got physical prizes in store for you guys, which we're giving away for free.

Entering is simple! A thread will be posted for each item, and the winners will be chosen in a guessing game. To enter, please pick a number between 1 and 1000 and post it here. You may enter once per giveaway (so you can post a number once in every thread). The giveaway will run for two weeks, after which the thread will be closed and the closest two posters to the secret number will win! In the event that multiple people post the same number, winners will be decided on a first-come-first-serve basis.

If you win more than one giveaway, you must pick one prize and the next closest guesser will receive the other.

Today's giveaway is for handmade Wayfinders, constructed by our own staff member Sabby! Here are some photos:
Each of the two winners will receive one of the Wayfinders (not both), chosen at random. This giveaway closes November 17th.
Good luck!

IMPORTANT: You MUST be able to provide a valid shipping address and name to ship to. It can be your name (first name and last initial are okay), your legal guardian’s name, or even a friend that can give it to you, but usernames will NOT be accepted as a ship-to name. Winners will be contacted via PM for this information and it will all stay strictly confidential with the individual member that is shipping the item to you. Contests are open to all registered members except current staff members.
The owner and staff members of KH-Vids will not be held responsible if the shipment is lost, damaged, delivered late, or anything that is beyond our control once it is postmarked, nor can we replace it if that is the case. This is not an official promotion by or associated with Square-Enix, Ltd.
Site News KH-Vids now on Facebook!
That's right everyone! We've now expanded our social media to not just YouTube, Twitter, and Tumblr, but now to Facebook as well. Similar to these other networking sites, we'll be providing updates on the Kingdom Hearts series as well as the site, right on your news feed. Please do note that all of our site rules apply to these social networking sites--that is, you may not post any inappropriate or unsavory content on these sites.

The accounts linked above are the official KH-Vids pages--other user-created ones may exist, but they are unofficial and we do not hold any responsibility over them.

You can reach our Facebook page through the Get Connected block on the homepage, or by clicking here!
Hey guys! We're down to the last events for our Kingdom Hearts 10th Anniversary Celebration -- Giveaways!
That's right, we've got physical prizes in store for you guys, which we're giving away for free.

Entering is simple! A thread will be posted for each item, and the winners will be chosen in a guessing game. To enter, please pick a number between 1 and 1000 and post it here. You may enter once per giveaway (so you can post a number once in every thread). The giveaway will run for two weeks, after which the thread will be closed and the closest two posters to the secret number will win! In the event that multiple people post the same number, winners will be decided on a first-come-first-serve basis.

If you win more than one giveaway, you must pick one prize and the next closest guesser will receive the other.

Today's giveaway is for Kingdom Hearts keychains, pictured below:
Each of the two winners will receive one of the keychains (not both), chosen at random. This giveaway closes November 16th.
Good luck, & be sure to check back tomorrow for another giveaway launch!

IMPORTANT: You MUST be able to provide a valid shipping address and name to ship to. It can be your name (first name and last initial are okay), your legal guardian’s name, or even a friend that can give it to you, but usernames will NOT be accepted as a ship-to name. Winners will be contacted via PM for this information and it will all stay strictly confidential with the individual member that is shipping the item to you. Contests are open to all registered members except current staff members.
The owner and staff members of KH-Vids will not be held responsible if the shipment is lost, damaged, delivered late, or anything that is beyond our control once it is postmarked, nor can we replace it if that is the case. This is not an official promotion by or associated with Square-Enix, Ltd.