Site News

Viewing only articles tagged with "Site News".

Site News The return of Social Groups!
That's right everyone! Social Groups are back. I know this was a very popular feature in our vBulletin days, and I know I promised for a long time that they'd be back "soon." I am sorry for the delay, but they're upon us now.

To enter the Social Groups area of our side, hover over Community on the navigation bar and select Social Groups. You'll be brought to the Groups area of the forums. From here, you can hit the Create New Social Forum button to make a new group, or just browse through and see what groups interest you!

Groups can have open membership (anyone can join!) or moderated, meaning a group moderator must approve membership. In a moderated group, users can request membership or be invited. Members can be invited to open groups, and thrown out of either.

When you create a group, you can appoint moderators. Just like our staff, these moderators have some special powers within your social group--they can edit or delete posts, sticky threads, etc., so only appoint people you trust! Please note that our regular staff has full power within groups, and that group content is visible to everyone.

The best way to understand groups is to use them, though! We're excited to see what you all do with them. Please note that normal members can create up to seven groups, and Premium members up to thirteen.

I know the big question on everyone's mind, though, is whether or not you can reclaim the content from your old vBulletin groups. We have backed up the data from them and have a method for moving the content from your old group to the new group. It does require some manual work, so importing content from old groups will be open to Premiums only for now. Once Premium requests for import have slowed, it will be opened to all members. While you wait, feel free to recreate your old groups and start posting!

Premium members can request an import within their subsection--I'll be posting a thread within there shortly.

Have fun guys! If you need any help or have any questions, feel free to ask within this thread.
Site News Forum Software Updated

Hey guys, as you all probably saw I closed the forums a bit earlier to upgrade us from Xenforo 1.1.3 to 1.1.4. It's a rather small release with some bug fixes that don't really affect most of you directly, so I don't have many changes to highlight (although you can now add a poll to an existing thread!), but if you're having any troubles from this update please post in here and let me know.

Hello, users of KH-Vids. I hope the wait hasn't been too painful for you -- but do not fret any longer, for I, the Queen of Hearts, am now here! So stop waiting around and hurry to Wonderland to participate in my party, or it's OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!

...Oh, that's right. Your pitiful staff asked me to deliver a message for them. Because I am such a wonderful person, I decided to be merciful and deliver it, instead of beheading them for their ridiculous request. Whatever would you do without me?

Now, you've no reason to dawdle further! Stop wasting time and go to my party right now!
Community Oh No... Another Tea Party!?
Hey everyone! The staff has an urgent announcement for you all today --

As you know, last year we were visited by the Queen of Hearts, who took over the site to host her tea party for Valentine's Day! This year, we thought we were in the clear... But we have just received a letter from her again! It reads as follows:

So as you can see, it seems as though she is planning another visit this year! And like last year, we need your help to meet her demands:

If you would like to participate in the Queen's Tea Party this year, please RSVP (sign up) below. The Queen is adamant about getting the list to her right away, so RSVPs will be open through Sunday evening. DO NOT sign up with a partner this year, but we strongly recommend signing up alongside friends in case you want/need a partner at any time during the event!

Again, sign ups will close by the end of Sunday. If you do not sign up in time to participate in the party events, there will be a general thread where you can enjoy tea and crumpets with the guests... If the Queen hasn't beheaded you for failing to RSVP!

Hoping that she doesn't threaten us if things don't go her way this year,
- The Staff
Site News Announcing KH-Vids 7.0!

As you might have noticed, the site is looking pretty different! It is my proud duty to unveil KH-Vids's newest redesign, KH-Vids 7.0! Before I start to highlight the new eye candy you've got ahead of you, let me explain a little: it is the tradition of KH-Vids to release our new styles on KH-Vids's anniversary in December. However, in August of 2012 we underwent the taxing but worthwhile move to Xenforo, a new forum software, thus introducing KH-Vids 6.0. In order to get the site up and running as quickly as possible, I downloaded a pre-made style, modified it for KH-Vids, and dubbed it KH-Vids 6.0. It worked well and looked nice!

But I am of the school of thought that KH-Vids should have something entirely custom, built specifically for us, by us. Once everything had settled down after the Xenforo move, I began work on KH-Vids 7.0. I tried my best to have it done by the end of December but was unable to--however, I've busted my butt the past few weeks and the skin is now available, albeit a few weeks late!

I do sincerely hope you guys like KHV's new look. The KH-Vids 6.0 styles will be disabled as I will no longer be supporting them, and 7.0 is really quite similar in color scheme and layout. I know a lot of users want a light style for KH-Vids and I do hope to provide it one day! Instead of explaining the snappy new appearance of KH-Vids, I'll leave you all to see it for yourselves.

KH-Vids 7.0 has been tested rather extensively by myself and the staff team. I have tried all the major browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, Internet Explorer), and while it functions fine on any of those, if you are using anything below Internet Explorer 8, I highly recommend that you upgrade to a newer version, or to a more modern browser. You'll be able to experience the full pizzazz behind KH-Vids 7.0!

Should you find any display issues, browser-specific or not, please reply to this thread with the following:
  • Screenshot of the problem
  • Link to a page where you see the problem
  • What operating system you use
  • What browser you use (include the version!)
... and I will address it as soon as possible.

Known Bugs/Issues

  • Bug #001: Particularly on mobile devices, links and the search bar are conflicting. (Screen) Unconfirmed
  • Bug #002: Links on the likes bar are hard to see. Fixed!
  • Bug #003: Some gray text is difficult to read. (Screen) Fixed!
  • Bug #004: Tab link hover needs to be lighter (Screen) Fixed!
  • Bug #005: Quote link arrow needs to be lighter (Screen) Fixed!
  • Bug #006: Start New Conversation button cuts off (Screen) Fixed!
  • Bug #007: Some buttons have jaggies (Screen) Fixed!
  • Bug #008: Spoiler text is italicized Fixed!
  • Bug #009: Post and signature separator needs to be clearer Fixed!
  • Bug #010: Dropdown arrow could use brightening (Screen) Fixed!
  • Bug #011: Some buttons have black links (Screen) Fixed!
  • Bug #012: Spoiler bar is threatening
  • Bug #013: I completely forgot to style attachments (Screen) Fixed!
  • Bug #014: Poll results are hard to see (Screen) Fixed!
  • Bug #015: More posts to display bar needs styling (Screen) Fixed!
  • Bug #016: Deletion notices need styling Fixed!
  • Bug #017: Post new thread button cuts off (Screen) Fixed!
  • Bug #018: Attachment upload bar needs styling (Screen) Fixed!
  • Bug #019: Tab link hover on profiles (Screen) Fixed!
  • Bug #020: Sign Up Now! button needs to be styled (Screen) Fixed!
  • Bug #021: Default avatar has cropping issues (Screen) Fixed!
  • Bug #022: Overlap in profile signature displays, only when tabs are used (Screen) Fixed!
  • Bug #023: Login bar needs to be styled Fixed!
  • Bug #024: Default avatar is hard to see on discussion listing Fixed!
  • Bug #025: Prefix selection bar is uggo Fixed!
Once again, I do really hope you guys like the redesign. Happy posting!