KH-Vids Podcast
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KH-Vids Podcast
Episode #75: 2014 in Review
It's Tuesday and I'm actually on time!This week @Misty, @libregkd, and @Calxiyn are joined by @Plums and @KeybearerofSea for special reflection on 2014! As always, we begin with some Kingdom Hearts news and updates, chatting about the possibility of Kingdom Hearts figures in Disney Infinity, as well as the reassurance that we'll be hearing more about Kingdom Hearts 3 in 2015.
From there we launch into a reflection on 2014, beginning with the major world news from the year, what games came out this year and what games we actually played, and likewise for television shows, movies, and music! It'd take far too long to list everything here, so have a listen and see what we were into! We then look forward to 2015 and what we're hoping for in the new year.
Finally, we answer user-submitted questions from @Eric Luna , @Graxe, and @Highlandeɼ , chat about the toughest bosses in Kingdom Hearts history, and address some community news before we sign off (Castle Oblivion, Secret Santa, forum tidying, and the 9th birthday of KH-Vids).
Thanks everyone for the support for the site and the podcast this year! Let us know your thoughts on the episode, what you were diggin' from 2014, and what you're looking forward to digging in 2015.
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Download Episode #75 (MP3)
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In before the deadline with mere minutes to spareIt's Tuesday and you know what that means...! Podcast episode woo.
This week podcast hosts @Misty, @libregkd, and @Calxiyn sit down for a super long and super fun episode! First off we cover the release of Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Remix -- what we're digging about the collection and what we're looking forward to playing -- and its launch event that @libregkd (Nick) attended in California. You can read his full, written account here, or check out some VIP pics, but Nick provides us with a verbal account of both the event and the Kingdom Hearts III footage shown there.
After that we move along to the just passed PlayStation Experience event, which celebrated the 20th anniversary of PlayStation. Nick was also in attendance to that, so he was able to give us some firsthand accounts & perspectives on titles like Street Fighter V, Yakuza 5, Uncharted 4, God of War 4, Drawn to Death, Grim Fandango, Bloodborne, No Man's Sky, Amplitude, and The Witness. @Misty also sticks her fingers in her ears to any negative press about The Order 1886, surprising no one. We also address the leak of a Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster on the PS4 and the possibility of the Kingdom Hearts remasters receiving similar treatment.
We skip over user-submitted questions this week because we had a content-filled episode, but we do answer a quick Table Topics about our lifelong heroes!
Please every one listen to and enjoy the episode, and let us know what you think in the comments!
Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and we'll be in touch. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to!
KH-Vids Podcast
Episode #73: Disney Gettin' Busy in 2015
It's Tuesday and that means podcast time!As the year winds down, we look forward to new film releases, especially after certain trailers from a certain beloved series that a certain podcast host talks about for like 20 minutes straight. @Misty, @libregkd, and @Calxiyn first of course discuss some pre-release goodies about KINGDOM HEARTS HD 2.5 Remix, which releases worldwide this week (spoiler: we complain a little more about the Collector's Edition).
From there we launch into our major movie discussion, highlighting Disney films in particular -- Into the Woods, Cinderella, Pan, and of course Star Wars: The Force Awakens. We also, as usual, answer user-submitted questions! @Plums calls us back to childhood (again! y'all are getting a little obsessed with our pasts), @Risky Biznu makes us feel super pathetic and lonely, @Misty and @Calxiyn get burnt by @Graxe 's superhero lottery, and @Eric Luna confronts his inner struggles with Cup Noodles.
Please everyone enjoy the episode, submit questions or guest applications, and leave us a comment below!
Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and we'll be in touch. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to!
KH-Vids Podcast
Episode #72: A Glitch is a Glitch
Late podcast because I've lost control of my lifeThe KH-Vids Podcast is back with a great new episode!
This week podcast hosts @Misty, @libregkd, and @Calxiyn are joined by @Plums and @Hayabusa to discuss the glitchy mess that is many of the games released this holiday season (the worst offenders being Assassin's Creed Unity and the Halo Master Chief Collection). Citing the strict publisher imposed release dates set on developers, we consider the choice to delay a game or release a day one update, the benefits of betas for online-centric games, why glitches happen, what's owed to players, and the "I want to have it first" culture surrounding gaming.
As per usual we also answer user-submitted questions! @Graxe poses another impossible scenario, @Eric Luna has us consider the impossibilities of the Kingdom Hearts universe, @Plums has us exchange one of our five senses for a superpower, and @Highlandeɼ asks us to assemble a team for the spambot apocalypse.
Finally, we plug some Community News, including this year's Secret Santa, Game of the Month, and @DigitalAtlas 's GoFundMe campaign.
Please everyone enjoy the episode, submit questions or guest applications, and leave us a comment below!
Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and we'll be in touch. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to!
KH-Vids Podcast
Episode #71: Happy N7 Day
Podcast podcast podcastAfter taking the last week off, your podcast hosts @Misty and @libregkd are joined by @Calxiyn and @Peace and War to celebrate the recently passed N7 Day, a special celebration of all things Mass Effect!
Before we kick into that, we address some changes coming to the podcast -- namely noting the departure of our host @Llave from the team, and how we'll be filling his seat, as well as some schedule changes for the coming weeks. We also discuss some Kingdom Hearts news, the most important of which is the announcement of the new Kingdom Hearts Collector's Edition pack with Kingdom Hearts 1.5 and 2.5.
From there we geek out about Mass Effect -- be warned, spoilers are rampant! We cover what's been announced thus far about the next entry in the Mass Effect series and what we want to see in it, the release of Dragon Age: Inquisition and how that will affect Mass Effect, BioWare's in-progress Shadow Realms project, the ending of Mass Effect 3, the possibility of a Mass Effect trilogy remaster, and more! As expected, @Misty waxes poetic over Knights of the Old Republic and her Liara love affair.
We go a bit over time with Mass Effect, but stick around for some quick user-submitted questions! @Graxe conducts an insect survey, @Plums commits Question Fraud, and we pull out Table Topics once again!
Please everyone listen, enjoy, and leave us a comment!
Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and we'll be in touch. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to!
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