KH-Vids Podcast

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KH-Vids Podcast Episode #100: The One Hundredth
A fashionably late podcast, just for you!

This week the KH-Vids Podcast reaches a milestone with our one hundredth episode! @Misty, @libregkd, and @Calxiyn along with staff guest @Plums, host our former podcast maestro @Peace and War to reminisce on the history of the KH-Vids Podcast -- to look at where we've been and where we are going!

We begin by covering a small update Tetsuya Nomura gave on the development of Kingdom Hearts III in an interview with OPM UK about the upcoming Final Fantasy VII Remake. We also respond to his comments regarding Square's plans (or lack thereof?) to bring the Kingdom Hearts HD Remixes to the PlayStation 4.

Moving along, we go through a brief history of the beginnings of the KH-Vids Podcast, stretching all the way back to 2010, when @Sabby, @Mike, and @Korra recorded our very first episode. @Peace and War then shares stories of his time at the helm of the KH-Vids Podcast, followed by your current line-up of hosts sharing some insight about the changes we have made to the podcast since we took over. We list some of our favorite and least favorite things about running the Podcast, and each name the best episode we feel we've been apart of!

As always, we answer user-submitted questions! @Graxe suggests alien abduction while @Scarred Nobody tries (and fails) to punch holes in @Misty 's love for Star Wars. We also take a Table Topics on the polite way to juggle two conflicting invitations.

This week we want to hear from you -- the listeners! We want to know what your favorite episodes have been and what you would like to hear (or see!) us do more of here at the KH-Vids Podcast. Finally, we would like to extend an enormous thank you to all our fans, new and old, for supporting the podcast as you do, even if it's by just a simple listen every week. Thank you for being there and helping us reach one hundred episodes -- here's to one hundred more!


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KH-Vids Podcast Episode #99: An Episode About Nothing
It's time for a new episode of the KH-Vids Podcast!

Suffering in the wake of a serious Kingdom Hearts and gaming news drought, the KH-Vids Podcast team sit down to answer both user-submitted questions as well as our randomly selected questions from Table Topics! @Plums and @al215 join @Misty, @libregkd, and @Calxiyn for an episode essentially about nothing!

We begin by debating our metaphysical existence (thanks to, you guessed it, @Graxe). Next, we share our relationship with our parents and what we admire most about them. @Quilligan poses the idea of introducing a new trio to the Kingdom Hearts series, to replace Sora, Riku, and Kairi. Following that, we divulge the stories behind our (real) names, and @. : tale : . poses the responsibility of selecting an existing Utada song to serve as the theme to Kingdom Hearts III. Finally, we talk about our favorite amusement park rides and experiences.

It's a fun-filled episode of the KH-Vids Podcast for children across the globe!

Please support and participate in the KH-Vids Podcast by leaving us a comment, answering our user-submitted questions, submitting to be a guest, or sending in questions of your own!


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KH-Vids Podcast Episode #98: Kingdom Hearts At D23

It's KH-Vids Podcast time!

With the announcement that Kingdom Hearts III will have a presence at the upcoming D23 Expo in August your hosts @Misty, @libregkd, and @Calxiyn are joined by staff guest @Krowley and member guest @Fearless to take a guess at what new information we are going to get out of the event. We talk likely world appearances, characters, and more while inevitably stumbling into our wishlists for what Kingdom Hearts will be.

As a bonus this week, we also take the time to answer more user submitted questions than normal with @al215 wondering why we haven't done a KotOR spoilercast yet, @Quilligan about Life is Strange, @Graxe making us ponder about desserts and dragoons, @Beucefilous asking a rather interesting question about running a lemonade stand, and @. : tale : . agonizing us with fictional characters. We also revisit our old friend Table Topics and learn a little bit about lying.

Please support and participate in the KH-Vids Podcast by leaving us a comment, answering our user-submitted questions, submitting to be a guest, or sending in questions of your own!

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KH-Vids Podcast Episode #97: Love Wins
It's Tuesday and you know what that means...!

This week on the KH-Vids Podcast, we're doing things a little differently! @Misty, @libregkd, and @Calxiyn take a break from our usual Kingdom Hearts and gaming focus to respond to the Supreme Court's recent ruling on same-sex marriage, which is now federally legal in the United States. We cover the importance of the ruling (legal benefits for those in same-sex relationships), worldwide responses to it, and what effect this may have on the upcoming Presidential elections in 2016.

As per usual, we answer user-submitted questions! @Nobodyslight asks us about podcast tunes, @Plums poses a superpower question, and @Quilligan sets @Misty off on an Adventure Time tangent. We also plug the KH-Vids User Awards once again, as well as the new and improved KH-Vids Minecraft server!

Share your reactions to the Supreme Court ruling and answer our questions for yourself in the comments! Thanks for listening!


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KH-Vids Podcast Episode #96: E3 2015
It's time for the KH-Vids Podcast! After last week's episode about Kingdom Heart's presence at E3, we now talk about everything else that went down at the annual gaming expo!

Podcast hosts @Misty, @libregkd, and @Calxiyn cover all the big announcements made at this year's E3 conference. We go through all the major conferences citing what interested us included the Horizon: Zero Dawn, Fallout 4, Final Fantasy VII: Remake, The Last Guardian, and more! We also talk about how certain conferences were a lot less interesting than the others plus a bunch of games that were being shown off on the expo floor!

Our user-submitted questions this week has us answering what Final Fantasy world we would be interested in seeing in Kingdom Hearts and whether or not we subscribe to using cheap tactics in video games, both questions come courtesy of @Nobodyslight. Finally, for Community News, the KH-Vids User Awards nominations are now open!

Have thoughts of your own on E3? Hyped for a game shown? Bummed out about anything? Let us know in the comments!


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